At Rejuv Cosmetic Center, our primary goal is quite simply to improve upon that reflection. To help you look and feel your best. By offering state of the art techniques, products and services.


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59 Mine Brook Road
Bernardsville, NJ 07924


Sciton® Laser

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Sciton® Laser Treatments

Cosmetic Specialist in New Jersey

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Our Sciton® Laser treats conditions associated with aging and active lifestyles.

  • Eliminate Sun Damage.
  • Reduce Wrinkles.
  • Vascular Applications.
  • Hair Removal.
  • Photo Rejuvenation.
  • Laser Skin Tightening.
  • Laser Spider Vein Removal.
  • Profractional Laser.

BBL (Broad Band Light)

Superior to regular Photo Facial Treatments, Sciton® Laser Treatments with dual lamp technology, deliver results in less treatments and time, saving you money with better results. BBL (BroadBand Light) delivers a full range of pulsed-light treatments, including rejuvenation applications that target results of photo-aging, like brown spots, tiny broken vessels, and other benign lesions. Scientific studies reveal regular maintenance treatments with BBL technology rejuvenates skin and delays skin aging.

Micro Laser Skin Peel

Eliminate Lip Lines completely and safely with the Sciton® Resurfacing Laser. With the Resurfacing Laser, achieve exceptional results without side effects such as: Hypopigmentation, Sustained Erythema, and prolonged recovery times.

Restore your skin to its natural beauty. Get smooth, fresh, vibrant skin with the latest in cosmetic applications.

The Sciton® Resurfacing Laser can shave years off around your lips. It accomplishes this by resurfacing the skin and eliminating the peaks and valleys, burning or stripping tissue, promoting Collagen production during the healing process. The skin surface will also re-grow with fresh, healthy cells, which will give your skin a younger, rejuvenated appearance. The typical recovery period is 7 – 10 days. Let your doctor know if you have had recurrent Electrolysis Treatments on your upper lip, as the damage to the hair follicles could inhibit healing.

Skin Tyte

Safe and optimized for all skin types, SkinTyte™ can effectively, and comfortably treat any area of the body where improvement is desired, giving patients a firmer, more youthful appearance. SkinTyte™ harnesses infrared energy to deeply heat soft tissue while protecting the entire treated area with sapphire contact cooling. This process triggers soft tissue coagulation and deep tissue heating that initiates the body’s natural healing process, encouraging increased tissue firming.

SkinTyte™ uses advanced infrared light technology, and patient tailored filters to deeply heat dermal collagen, while constantly protecting the treated epidermis with sapphire contact cooling for optical clinical endpoints, safety and comfort. With no need for a topical anesthetic, the energy is delivered in rapid, gentle pulses to promote contraction and partial coagulation of the collagen, activating the body’s natural healing process, leading to increased tissue firming


An ablative laser treatment that dramatically improves the skin’s appearance while promoting collagen growth. Profractional improves the appearance of wrinkles, sun damage, and scarring including acne scarring. You will be left with smoother more plump skin.

Forever Young

Step into the fountain of youth with the Forever Young BBL treatment. An innovative technology that uniquely delivers light therapy targeting the signs of aging and sun damage leaving behind a more refreshed, rejuvenated youthful appearance.